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Portosub Centro de Buceo


Port of departure: Portonovo

State / Province: Pontevedra

Country: Spain

Club or Dive Center: @Centro de buceo y actividades acuaticas Portosub

Portosub Centro de Buceo

Diving Center

Portosub Centro de Buceo

Data of the Dive

Date: 25/09/2018

Level: Advanced

There are currents: No

Depth: 25 m

Difficulty: Medium

Author of the photos: Portosub Centro de Buceo

Flotsam / Sunken Ship

Departure by boat

Temperature Water: 15º

Outdoor Temperature (°C): 22º

Visibility: Medium (8 m)

Background: Sand

Marine species

Congrios, Centollas, Bogavantes, Fanecas


PECIO CORDERO GONZÁLEZ - Pontevedra Portonovo Spain foto 1
PECIO CORDERO GONZÁLEZ - Pontevedra Portonovo Spain foto 2
PECIO CORDERO GONZÁLEZ - Pontevedra Portonovo Spain foto 3
PECIO CORDERO GONZÁLEZ - Pontevedra Portonovo Spain foto 4
Timón | PECIO CORDERO GONZÁLEZ - Pontevedra Portonovo Spain foto 5


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Pecio cercano a las Islas Ons apta para Avanzados. Posibilidad de salidas programadas desde Portonovo con el centro de buceo PORTOSUB

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